Netflix Recommended: Conversations With A Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes

source: Netflix, duh

Everyone knows who Ted Bundy was and seemingly everybody loves a good documentary on serial killers. In case you didn’t know, Ted Bundy is one of the most notorious serial killers known for killing young girls in the Pacific Northwest in the 1970s. He’s one that everyone seems to be infatuated with, myself included.

This docuseries was done really well, in my opinion. It took the interview tapes of him on death row and mixed them in with current interviews with his lawyers, the FBI, other police, etc. It was creepy enough, they got my skin to crawl with how they would insert soundbites of Bundy actually talking but only have a still photo of him looking right at you as if he could still see you.

I don’t know if I would call this stuff spoilers because it happened 40 (or more) years ago so it’s all on Google and I had read up on him well before this docuseries even came out. Just in case you haven’t heard anything about it, here’s your spoiler alert.

There was plenty that I didn’t know about Ted Bundy, mostly because any time that I would look him up I would get creeped out and stop reading into too many specifics.

My biggest takeaway from docuseries is the details of escapes and what it took to find him both times that he managed to escape. I find that part of it so fascinating. (That probably makes me sound like a psychopath, but I’m here for it.)

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