I Am Angry. You Should Be Too.

*I wrote this two nights ago, there is probably outdated info or info that I forgot to add. If I added it all, I would keep you here until January. I.Am.Angry. Fucking angry. In the past week, I have seen racism run rampant every single day. A new day, a new video emerges. It’s embarrassing, disgusting, despicable, so many other adjectives, but most importantly, I am angry. I am so sick of the same bullshit day in and day out. The US has been around for almost 250 years and we still have a problem with racism. I know it’s … Continue reading I Am Angry. You Should Be Too.

Thank You.

It’s been a hot second since I’ve written for my own blog, so… hi! Just wanted to pop in and say sorry for the lack of content coming from my end lately. I started this blog in October of last year and I’m so thankful for the following I’ve gained over these past 8 months. Y’all have stuck by me and keep reading even though I’ve been slacking on this site for a couple of months. If you’re wondering where I disappeared to, here’s your answer! I’ve been busy pursuing other endeavors in my writing. In April, I joined a … Continue reading Thank You.